White streaks on the nails can be a common symptom of zinc deficiency. To help with a zinc deficiency, include more leafy vegetables into your everyday diet such as spinach. Some meats and nuts are also a good source of zinc
White marks can also be a sign of liver disease. This is why it is a good idea to have yourself checked by a doctor if you notice that your white spots never go away. Nails that are partially white and partially pink can also be a sign of kidney disease.
Pale or white nails can be a sign of iron deficiency often known as anemia. Strangely shaped nails, such as nails that curve inward are also a sign of this. To get more iron in your diet, try iron supplements and more leafy greens and meats.
One of the most common causes of the white marks are nails that have an injury causing the streaky appearance. This is called leukonychia. This sounds scarier than it is. Other causes of this are allergic reactions to certain nail products, and can often be picked up in a nail salon. This can be treated using pills and creams, however often the marks will just grow out along with the nails.